COVID19 (Corona)- Build Immunity Through Yoga – Enhance Lymphatic System, increase Oxygen Absorption

#yoghealing #govocalforlocal are terms we hear everyday and it seems our very own yoga which has borne out of ages of studies passed on from generation to generation has provided prevention and also might be the cure we are looking for. Lately #babaramdev group #patanjali have claimed that soon their clinical cure for #covid19 will be possible through Ayurveda.

#yoga, like #ayurveda also forms the same basis of balancing the vata (air-ether), pitta (fire-energy) and kapha (water-stability) or in plain language our complete body is a chemical factory balancing the acidic and alkalyne- the moment there is a variation immunity decreases and various diseases set in.

In this series we have tried to provide steps on building immunity and ensure resistance from any virus attack. Our Lymph nodes are the first level of defense- by doing basic yogic stances, pranayama and self-massage we can ensure that our body has enough and more to prevent any virus attack and if attack happens on how to cure.

COVID19 or Corona is not to be feared – it is now defined as the #newnormal – where we have to be careful and build our physical self to counter this threat and any new ones that will happen in future. Building our defense system is the best way for this.

As discussed in the video- ensure each of us has a basic devise an Pulse Oximeter at home- when oxygen levels fall below 80 and consistently is falling we need to ensure we prepare ourselves with not only practicing Pranayama but also have Oxygen Cylinder handy (better under medical intervention). If the oxygen level nears 50 it is time to reach out to the hospital as specialized support will be required. Some oxygen absorption exercises specific can also be done.

Second what is shown is briefly described about Pranayama- in previous video complete set is shown- do this for 15-30 minutes daily morning and evening.

Third is certain exercises- Twists (Trikonasan and basic body twists), Legs up- Ardh Sarvangasan, Inverse asans – like bhujanasan (cobra pose), dhanur asan – and above all always follow the 12 steps of #suryanamaskar shown in detail in my first video.