Home medical management plan for mild coronavirus (covid-19) by Dr Sandhya Ramanathan

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In some countries access to covid-19 testing and hospital beds is becoming limited. In this video, I prescribe an active home management plan divided into three categories (priming immunity, reducing viral load and breathing exercises/positioning) which will help you optimally manage a mild case of coronavirus at home and prevent it becoming severe. Seek medical advice virtually as soon as you fall sick as a course of antibiotics may be indicated early on in the course infection depending on local protocols.

Recommended equipment to have at home:
1. Pulse oximeter: normal range 95-100%. Seek urgent medical help if it drops below 93% or you develop shortness of breath. Monitor oxygen sats daily for the first 14 days of the illness.
2. Medium to Large sized Latex balloons
3. Drinking straws

Priming Immunity:
1. Eat healthy whole foods (avoid processed food, alcohol and sugary drinks)
2. Stay well hydrated with water
3. Sleep 8 hrs a night
4. Stay calm with a positive mindset
5. Immune supplements taken daily: Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and other optional ones eg. turmeric, echinacea etc

Reducing viral load:
1. Betadine or saline gargles twice daily
2. Saline nasal spray or rinsing with a few drops betadine concentrate twice daily
3. Steam inhalation with vicks especially if having loss of smell
4. Nasal decongestants eg. Otrivin nasal spray

Breathing exercises:
1. Box breathing: 3 seconds breathe out and hold and then 3 second inhale and hold. Focus on complete exhale to empty lungs and then deep inhalation after that will be reflex and optimise oxygen intake.
2. Blowing balloons while seated which creates positive end expiratory pressure similar to that created in mechanical ventilation.
3. Blowing bubbles through a straw into a glass of water will also be helpful
4. Prone sleeping to avoid collapse of air spaces at lung bases

Stay calm and stay healthy and safe.🙏🏼

Dr Sandhya Ramanathan
General Practitioner
Auckland, New Zealand