Supplement stack… What do I take. Fitness

#fitness #model #motivation

I accidentally forgot viviscal I do take that as well. I also have some collagen supplement as well but i take that suuuuuuper rarely. For what its worth ive tried collagen protein and bone broth protein before and never really noticed anything.. At the end of the day do they supplements do anything or how much do they do? Who can say… I do know ive been in and out of the hospital most my life now due to health issues, and most people are surprised to find out the extent of my serious health problems through out my life.. so maybe saying that they have helped since I can fake it sometimes.. I guess if its interesting to you for what its worth do I notice a different between prescription strength fish oil and real fish oil.. I dunno about joint pain etc(but again who knows how bad I would be all these years with out it right?), but I dare say it has helped my eyes from becoming worse at a faster pace. But again who can say for sure…

Anyway so ya thats what I take generally speaking, kinda depends on money etc cuz its a lot of money for this, and this isnt even counting all my other meds I gotta pay for so….