crispy potato chips | 2 ingredients | homemade recipe | quick and easy || by SuTasty

Recipes:crispy potato chips|homemade recipe|quick and easy||SuTasty

Ingredients: two large Russet potatoes (Russet potatoes give the best crispy results among all the types of potatoes), and canola oil (1cup, US cup)
1.peel the potatoes and clean them
2.slice the potatoes into thin slices
3.rinse off starch on the surface of the potato slices thoroughly, rinse three times
4.fry the slices in canola oil at 150-degree Celcius
5.the frying process takes about 20-25 minutes, fry the slices until them golden in color and hard & crispy. Before the slices are getting hard, please do not touch them until they are in hard form, by that time, you can flip them and fry them until they are golden in color and crispy.

Two large potatoes (393 gram) can yield 138-gram crispy potato chips.
Even though you start with one cup of oil, eventually, by subtracting the remaining amount of oil from the beginning 1 cup, the result is that the frying process consumes 1 table-spoon of canola oil.

The nutritional value of potatoes

Potatoes have very high nutritional value and medicinal value. They are rich in nutrients, containing protein, minerals ( phosphorus, calcium, etc. ), vitamins, and other ingredients. The nutritional structure is also reasonable, and it is called ” underground apple.” Potato contains large amounts of protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, etc. , it contains protein and vitamin C, vitamin Bl, vitamin B2 is much higher than Apple. Vitamin the potatoes can promote digestion and stomach function can.

1. Vitamin C is ten times that of apple.
2.B vitamins are Apple’s four times.
3. The content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium is several times to tens of times that of apples, especially the content of potassium, which can be said to be the first among vegetables.
4. It is rich in a large amount of carbohydrates and can supply a large amount of heat energy to the human body.
5. Potato skin is rich in chlorogenic acid and lipoic acid. Chlorogenic acid has anti-oxidation and anti-cancer effects. Lipoic acid can lighten spots and prevent skin aging.
6. It contains dietary antioxidants that can help prevent elderly diseases and a large amount of high-quality cellulose, which can prevent constipation and prevent cancer.
7. Potatoes contain a lot of dietary fiber, which can widen the bowel, help the body excrete metabolic toxins in time, prevent constipation, and prevent the occurrence of intestinal diseases;
8. Potatoes can supply a large number of mucus proteins with special protective effects. It can promote the lubrication of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, joint cavity, and serous cavity prevent cardiovascular and systemic fat deposition, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and help prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
9. Potatoes are also an alkaline vegetable, which is beneficial to the acid-base balance in the body and neutralizes the acidic substances produced after metabolism in the body, thereby having an absolute beauty and anti-aging effect;
10. Supplementing nutrition and reducing swelling: Potatoes are rich in vitamins, calcium, potassium, and other trace elements, and are easy to digest and absorb. They are rich in nutrients. In Europe and the United States, especially North America, potatoes have long become the second staple food. Potassium contained in potatoes can replace sodium in the body, and at the same time, can expel sodium from the body, which is conducive to the rehabilitation of patients with hypertension and nephritis and edema.

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