Countering Corona: The Vitamin C Story (Part 1)


Based off of what we’ve learned, a logical, reactionary place to start as we ease back into society.
For what appears to be a plethora of #immunesystem & #viraldefense reasons (to be further articulated in the Part 2), #vitaminc has become quite the hot topic during these days of #coronavirus combat.
Largely seen as a game changer when used as a treatment in the form #intravenousvitaminc ; the success on this front has stirred quite the interest in using #vitamin C as a preventative or protective strategy against the perhaps inevitable, eventual exposure to #sars #cov2
Certainly it is being gobbled up by the masses for the sake of hopeful profalactic affects, as well as presumed effectiveness in treating the more mild, non-hospital, non-IV drip, cases, but we should always acknowledge & differentiate between the two situations.
Having said that, #vitaminctherapy has been used for decades to bolster immune system function & has a strong history of effectiveness in combatting viruses & even cancer.
We do however want to pay attention to the details. In order to practically get in effective dose levels for this caliber target (& avoid the always fun #bowelintolerence ) we choose to utilize the exponentially more bioavailable #liposomalvitaminc both personally & clinically.
Going beyond the early, general #immuneboosting recommendations, we are now provided the luxury of having mounting experience of what works & what doesn’t, and #vitaminC appears to high on the list of known commodities to stack in your deck as we look to resume life in a confident & resilient manner.
C you out there