Being one of the World’s Richest Whole food, Spirulina contains Vitamin A to Zinc except D ..

Being one of the World’s Richest Whole food, Spirulina contains Vitamin A to Zinc except D ..
A microscopic blue-green algae that contains the most remarkable concentration of functional nutrients ever known in any food, plant, grain or herb.
Spirulina, added with chlorella.
Our SUPERBLUE, One of the best Detoxifier of your organs & Tissue Repair😍

# Health 2 Wellness★ #Spirulina have been scientifically tested, and research strongly suggest that in addition to being a superior source of nutrition, these micro-algae may have potent anti-cancer properties, protect the body’s cellular system against free radical damage and successfully treat diseases of liver.
★ The algae are differentiated according to pre-dominating colorations, and are divided into blue-green, green, red, and brown.
★ # Chlorella is a type of green algae, and Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae due to the presence of both chlorophyll (green) and phycocyanin (blue) pigments in its cellular structure.
☆ #MiracleFood – regulates blood sugar and blood pressure.
☆ #BrainFood
☆ effective against #anemia
☆ 4 tablets = 1 kl of vegetables
☆ powerful in #detox
☆ cleans blood (bacteria, poison, fungi, and pesticides)
☆ improves digestion
☆ increases energy levels
☆ reduce cancer risk

#Health2Wellness #H2W #CFWellness #SuperBlue #SuperfoodIntroducing our H2W SUPERBLUE.
Being one of the World’s Richest Whole food, Spirulina contains Vitamin A to Zinc except D ..
A microscopic blue-green algae that contains the most remarkable concentration of functional nutrients ever known in any food, plant, grain or herb.
Spirulina, added with chlorella.
Our SUPERBLUE, One of the best Detoxifier to Repair Tissues organ.

Chlorella is a powerful detoxification of metallic toxins such as mercury and pesticides.