Vitamin Supplements: A complete wastage of Money

Why the supplements are considered to the complete wastage of time and money…?
Well, there are so many advertisements out there in the marker which are actually shouting so loudly
that how important it is to take the supplements and these advertisement are so tempting that we
finally ended up by taking these supplements for ourselves and for our family as well.

But today through my video, I will tell you that how thee supplements are harmful for you and you
should not take them…
So the first point in favor of this argument is that:

You don’t need supplements….Our body don’t need supplements.
Let’s try to understand this through an example.
There is a person who eats fast food but try to balance it out by adding a diet soda.
So just like a diet soda cannot undo the poor food choice, in the same manner dietary supplements
cannot replace healthy food choices. As their name implies, supplements are intended
to supplement—not replace—healthy and wholesome food choices
So the question arises, when we should take the supplements..?
Well we should take the supplements when there is Vitamin deficiency and we should take them under
the medical supervision only.
e. g, we can take the iron supplements if we have the iron deficiency. Or the doctor prescribes folic acid
to the women at the time of pregnancy.

Next point is that vitamins can be toxic.
We are living in an environment where excess is always considered to be better,
but trust me, in case of the supplements, it does not work in the same way. There
is no data that supports that mega dosing of supplements can havenly positive
health outcomes. When take in high does, some fat-soluble vitamin
supplements like vitamin A can cause harm by building up to toxic levels in
the body. And even water-soluble vitamins (which are considered to be

excreted through urine if you consume too much) can still have negative
effects on your body. For example, the water-soluble nutrient like vitamin C or
biotin can cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal discomfort if consumed at
high levels. Supplements can also harm people who have certain underlying
health conditions, or who take prescription medications for those conditions.

3.) Supplements Don’t Prevent Disease
Although supplements are often confused with drugs, supplements are not
drugs. Supplements are, “Not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any
diseases. But supplement manufacturers take great liberty in their marketing
of these products and making you to believe that you are going to be immune
to the future disease by taking these supplements.
Natural Means Nothing
Which is highly ironic in the vitamin supplement market is when I heard about the word: Natural
Vitamin supplement, well there is nothing natural in the supplement world.
Supplements are synthetically created in a laboratory environment and likely
do not contain any natural, plant-based or non-synthetic ingredients.
But their marketing jargon and catchphrases frequently used to sell
supplements. .” As when the word “natural means nothing for us, “it means
just more and more profits for supplement manufacturers.