Corona Virus Pandemic & Digital Papers/Health Passports | AI Guys 014

Corona Virus Pandemic & Digital Papers/Health Passports | AI Guys 014

Will the Corona Virus Pandemic lead to digital papers required to leave the house or to travel?
• Once the quarantine is over – will increased digital surveillance continue to be the norm?
• Will people be required to carry digital papers or health passports – that show they are healthy or that they have received certain vaccines?
• Will people who refuse to be vaccinated not be allowed in public spaces? Or will refusal not be an option?

The AI Guys discuss: Will increased digital surveillance continue to be the norm? Will people be required to carry digital papers or health passports – that show they are healthy or that they have received certain vaccines? Will people who refuse to be vaccinated not be allowed in public spaces? Or will refusal not be an option?

Articles referred to in the podcast:
• Forbes:
• EFF, Face Surveillance Is Not the Solution to the COVID-19 Crisis
• Bill Gates is ‘super-worried’ about a second wave of coronavirus By Georgina Torbet
• COVID-19 ‘Immunity Passport’ Unites 60 Firms on Self-Sovereign ID Project; by Ian Allison

The AI Guys:
Paramjeet Berwal in an expert in the field of AI policy and regulation. In addition to being a lawyer with extensive practice, he is an invited lecturer at several public and private universities. His research includes how AI will influence human existence, especially in the context of economy, work, law, society and its institutions, business management, social behaviour and policy making.

Timothy Barrett is a professor of law at the University of Georgia and one of the Founders of the Tbilisi Tomorrow Institute. Prof. Barrett’s current research focuses on fields affecting the future, such as artificial intelligence, smart cities, data & privacy. He is currently teaching a new course: AI, Human Rights, & Cyberspace.

Jose Romero Cordova is an expert in Intellectual Property Law and Technology Management and one of the Founders of the Tbilisi Tomorrow Institute. He also focuses on Entrepreneurship and business development. He lectures at several law schools and business schools. Jose has earned an LLM. in Intellectual Property from University of Turin, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Turin (Italy). He has studied at Oxford University as a Certified Technology Transfer Specialist.

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