Why You Need to Do The Vitamin C Cleanse

Vitamin C flush rocks, but how exactly does it make you healthier??

Discover three reasons why the vitamin C flush will make you healthier and why do you need to starting doing this awesome healing technique!

Have you given up on yourself? Have you given up on feeling good again?


You have within you what it takes to heal. I am just your guide! Let’s work together to get you feeling vital again.

*~*~*~Email Tgurley7gmail.com with the subject “I’m Ready” to work with me! (Once you book, we’ll have a free 10 minute phone call to see if we jive!)

*~*~*~* Instagram @enlivened_one
*~*~*~* Facebook Enliven Wellness.

*~*~*~* Check out my articles on TNation.com and Breakingmuscle.com (just type in my name, “Tessa Gurley” and you’ll find great info for FREE!)

You are here because you probably need some guidance. Enliven Wellness is all about guiding people on their own health journey. I’m passionate about bringing you educated, research-backed information on all things health and wellness, while bringing in my own personal and professional experiences to help you figure out whats going with YOU.

My name is Tessa and I am a vitality coach. I am currently getting my Master’s in Integrative Medicine from the George Washington University. I started on this path because I was chronically ill for over 7 years with a multitude of mysterious symptoms. I finally got to a point where I was suicidal because I simply could not live with how I was feeling. At that point, I began a quest; a quest to get to the root of the issue and a quest to finally feel vital again. Currently, I am healing from something called CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) as the result of Lyme Disease, Toxic Mold poisoning combined with a genetic predisposition to be more sensitive to both of these biotoxins (HLADR SNP, for you geeks out there). Check out my video, “What It’s Like to Live With CIRS” to hear more about my story.

Session pricing:
30 minutes: $40 USD
60 minutes: $75
Payment is taken via Venmo or other arrangements 🙂

Like! Comment! Subscribe! Share! It all helps get the word out about the illnesses that are on the brink of becoming epidemic in proportion.

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Tessa Gurley does NOT claim to be able to diagnose, treat, prescribe for, palliate, or
prevent any human disease; ailment; pain; injury; deformity; physical condition; or a behavioral, mental health, or substance use disorder, whether by the use of drugs, surgery, manipulation,
electricity, telemedicine, the interpretation of tests, including primary diagnosis of pathology specimens, images, or photographs, or any physical, mechanical, or other means whatsoever.

Tessa Gurley is a graduate student in good standing enrolled in the Integrative Medicine Program at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, a recognized medical school. She is under the direct guidance of Dr. Andrew Heyman MD, the director of the Integrative Medicine Program at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. She is on track to becoming an Integrative Medicine Practitioner upon graduation.