Patricia Worby Alchemy Therapies – Coronavirus Diaries 22 – Vitamin K2 and COVID19

In this video I discuss the newly discovered functions of Vitamin K2 and how deficiency of this important vitamin may be implicated in the clinical presentation of COVID19.
Vitamin K2 was originally thought to only be related to blood coagulation but now seems to have functions in tissue elasticity, arterial perfusion and Calcium metabolism (where it helps activate vitamin D to prevent osteoporsis and arterial calcification seen in cardiovascular disease (for which cholesterol has been demonised but seems to actually be the bandaid for the deposition which could break off and cause a blood clot).

It also boosts energy production in cells (and therefore can improve chronic diseases of the heart, brain and nervous system – particularly MS and Parkinson’s Disease). Finally it makes soft tissues more elastic which improves lung, gut and skin function – through its effects on elastin and collagen.

These are all involved in COVID19 secondary symptoms so it seems an interesting correlation and one which could be improved by the simple addition of fermented foods (particularly natto) to the diet. Just 45mcg helps prevent deficiency but 100 – 300 mcg would make optimal levels in the body.

There are several papers I refer to in this presentation:
one is here

and for my summary of Vitamin K2 please see my website and resources for more information