Fibroid Treatment Without Surgery

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What are Fibroids?
Fibroids, also called leiomyomas, are noncancerous tumors that sometimes develop in the uterus. They are the most common noncancerous gynecological tumor in premenopausal people.

Fibroid tumors of the uterus are a common problem facing many women over the course of their lives. By age 50, about 70 percent of women will have these non-cancerous tumors that grow along the wall of the uterus, although many of them cause no physical symptoms.

But for some, uterine fibroids can cause significant complications including chronic pain, anemia from heavy blood loss during the menstrual cycle, urinary frequency and constipation.

They can even contribute to infertility or pregnancy loss if the tumor interferes with embryo implantation or growth. Fibroids range in size to as small as a seed to larger than a grapefruit. You can have one fibroid or multiple growths.

Fibroids typically grow slowly or not at all. In many cases, they shrink on their own, especially after menopause. You may not need treatment unless you’re bothered by symptoms. Your doctor will recommend the best treatment plan. You may need a combination of therapies.

In moderate to severe cases where symptoms are bothersome, worsening, or not improved with medication, fibroids may be treated with surgery or ultrasound therapy. Surgery may involve removing just the fibroids or your entire uterus.

At-home care, diet changes, and natural remedies may help treat fibroids and relieve symptoms. The lifestyle changes below are also important in the prevention of fibroids.

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