13 Foods for Healthy KIDNEYS

Kidney are considered to be amongst the most vital organs in our body. An unhealthy kidney will deteriorate your overall health.

The best remedy is eating natural and healthy. Here is a list of food we have came up with for better kidney health.

Always consult your doctors for any serious health issues.

#KidneyDiet #HealthyFoods #HealthyKidney



Shiitake Mushrooms – These mushrooms are a go-to source for potassium. Carrying around 304 mg, Shiitake is a great choice to give your kidneys that well-needed potassium boost they deserve.

Cauliflower – Due to its high concentration of fiber, cauliflower instantly aids your kidneys in the way against toxins. It’s high quantity of vitamin C also helps reduce inflammation in the kidneys.

Sea Bass – Just a single serving takes care of 40 to 74% of your daily intake of Omega 3s fatty acid.

Cabbage – It’s actually a great source of vitamin K, vitamin C and vitamin B6. Half a cup of green cabbage contains only 6mg of sodium and 60 mg of potassium, just enough for your kidneys to handle.

Pineapple – It contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps your digestive system while shrinking blood clots. Both of these functions work to stop the formation of kidney stones.

Egg Whites – Albinum assists in repairing damaged tissues and removing excess fluids This comes in handy when battling kidney disease.

Onions – A regular sized onion contains only 102 mg of potassium. They also carry a powerful antioxidant which detoxifies your kidneys and other organs.

Blueberries – Just a single cup of these contain high amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin K.

Strawberries – Just half a cup carries with it around 13 mg of phosphorus and another 120 mg of potassium.

Bulgur – It can reduce inflammation and high blood pressure, two of the leading factors in kidney failure.

Turnips – These have been proven to fight off intestinal problems, improve digestion, prevent cancer and lower blood pressure.

Red Bell Peppers – They are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and fiber.

Kale – Kale contains about 15 mg of phosphorus as well as 15 mg of sodium. Now that is bound to make your kidney happy.

Chicken – When properly grilled, chicken can contain the ideal ingredients for a healthy, properly functioning kidney.

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