What Supplements Should I Take? The Nutrilite Foundational Four | Amway

“What supplements should I take?” is a question many people need help answering when they realize they may need a stronger foundation for their macro-, micro-, and phyto- nutrient diet to be at their best every day.

There are over 7 billion people in the world but every BODY has the same foundational nutritional needs. Most people have a hard time satisfying those needs though.

Take the analogy of a house, imagine that proteins are the bricks that help our body grow and repair cells. These building blocks are 1 of 3 Macronutrients:

1) Proteins
2) Fats
3) Carbohydrates

Micronutrients (Vitamins and Minerals) are the mortar that help sustain life and help us create a strong foundation. Phytonutrients, nutrients found in plants, help protect the integrity of the bricks and mortar.

And Omega-3 fatty acids, another macronutrient, help support the house’s electricity and plumbing…or nervous and cardiovascular systems.

You may not be eating enough of all these essential nutrients as part of your daily diet. So what nutritional supplements should you take? The Nutrilite “Foundational Four” :

All Plant Protein Powder (Macronutrients):

Balanced Health Omega (Macronutrients):

Double X (Micronutrients):

Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables (Phytonutrients):

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