Medical Doctor is helping coronavirus patients with a powerful vitamin protocol

NCP (Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia) and Vitamin C

Discover what is really killing coronavirus patients
Dr. Richard Cheng is doing some magnificent work inside Wuhan, China for many of the people infected with the coronavirus. And, while government health agencies seem laser focused on just toxic medications and the hope of a vaccine, Dr. Cheng is doing much more than that.

The results are quite impressive. Listen now – in this video below – directly from Dr. Cheng.

We, at NaturalHealth365, have been reporting news about the coronavirus since its discovery in Wuhan, China. Naturally, there are many theories circulating about the origin of this virus from “just another flu strain” to speculation that this is a bioweapon designed in the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory (Level 4) or part of the “depopulation agenda” of some very disturbed individuals.

Wherever you stand on this topic, today’s news will prove to be invaluable because the mainstream media refuses to report on the single most important aspect of this virus. The solution!

Chinese medical doctor is helping coronavirus patients with a powerful vitamin protocol
Conventionally speaking, our modern healthcare system is merely focusing their attention on travel bans, testing and isolation of infected people. And, while that all may seem to be a “reasonable” response to a potential pandemic outbreak of the 2019-nCoV (novel coronavirus). Obviously, much more needs to be done to protect all of us.

In fact, the one thing that’s not talked about – nearly enough – is how to improve (and maintain) the health of the immune system. Can vitamin C – known to be an excellent vitamin for protecting immunity – actually help people infected with the coronavirus?

After a nationwide mention in the NY Post, MSN, and Business Insider, the 10-minute video reporting on the successful use of vitamin C for the coronavirus by doctors in Wuhan has been censored on the internet. No doubt, media manipulation that suppresses lifesaving information is alive and well in the “free” world.

Ask yourself this: why is this information being suppressed by the mainstream media and conventional medical “authorities.” Do they really believe that this vitamin therapy is useless? Or, could this just be an example of profits over public safety.
I’ll let you decide. But, ultimately, it’s up to each and every one of us to do everything we can to keep our immune system strong. After all, it is our best defense against disease.

Stay tuned to NaturalHealth365 as we continue to report on this evolving story.