Immune System Rejuvenation, Transforming COVID-19 Fear, Stress, Anxiety, & Connecting with Community

To join us again next Saturday, March 21, 2020 go to:
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This all day retreat focused on exploring and answering:
• How are you and people you know affected by the coronavirus epidemic, in your body, mind, and heart?
• How can you work with your stress in this time of great challenge?
• How to be mindful of being informed and care-full without being sucked into an epidemic of fear?
• How can you use this moment in time when you may be limited to fewer activities and physical interactions, to focus on healing?

√ Movement and sound to release stress, tension and contraction
√ Using Acceptance, Activation and Appreciation (the 3 As) to work with stress and fear

√ Sound healing to release and transform emotional stress and trauma
√ Deepening our own healing and becoming the agent for healing of others at this critical time of collective stress, pandemic, and fear.