Some of My Favorite Vitamin Supplements – Evening Primrose Oil Benefits

Some of my favorite vitamin supplements are Siberian Ginseng, Evening Primrose Oil, Co Q10 and B Vitamin Supplements. Evening Primrose Oil is excellent for your skin and it can clear up acne and ease eczema. Women benefit by taking this when experiencing PMS symptoms, breast pain or hot flashes. Evening Primrose oil is also good for your heart health and reducing high blood pressure.
#AlternativeHealthandBeauty #EveningPrimroseOilBenefits

Thanks for watching my Alternative Health and Beauty Channel! Where being healthy is beautiful. My Videos cover Nutrition, Vitamin and Mineral Supplements, Herbs and other supplements and Super Foods. I also cover alternative medicine treatments like acupuncture and chiropractic. How we think and feel greatly effect out health. Practicing Yoga and Meditation are highly recommended, Please Subscribe for more videos. Thanks, Barbra Taffe

Icelandic Kelp Supplements help with Thyroid Problems