The Sunshine Vitamin's Lament

This is a poem I wrote in anger starting in bed at 3 am on 29th of April. In 9 verses I think I have encapsulated most of the issues around the farcical and criminal denial of the role of Vitamin D-deficiency in rendering an otherwise harmless new type of common cold virus into a warm-blooded killer. Since then the farce has continued, and a few more verses are clearly called for, not least over the Cummings Lockdown escape, and the Blind Barnard Castle GSK Vaccine Sight-testing. Not to mention the Conspiracy of D-Silence in which just about anybody who is anybody, including Politicians, Press, and medical public figures are complicit, which features in David Grimes’ and my E-book soon to be out – ‘Covid-19, Vitamin D and a Conspiracy of Silence’