Nurse interviews Dr. Barke on Covid19, the pediatric population, and schools

Jeff Barke, MD, is a 30 year, family practice physician who is addresses Kawasaki Disease and the pediatric population. In this interview he discusses treating COVID successfully, kawasaki disease in children, health individuals risk with COVID, quarantining the healthy, the big mistake of masks at school, social distancing, and vaccines.

2:00-4:42 Treating covid patients, Elderly population, z-packs, preventative
8:15: Asymptomatic carriers, indoor/outdoor spreading
9:30: Children are safe, support immune systems
12:00 Kawasaki Disease
13:45 Schools, healthy herd, no social distancing
15:00 Masks at School Big Mistake, Crazytown
17:00 Herd Immunity for the Country
17:30 Vaccines, don’t wait, not tested, late 60’s viral epidemic
18:45 Damage from the shutdown, suicide calls
19:45 Prescription for liberty, contact tracing, Government and the constitution

Follow Dr. Barke on instagram @rxforliberty, FB Jeffrey Barke

Interview provided by PERK (Protection of the Educational Rights of Kids). We are a non partisan, advocacy group committed to protecting children and advocating for families. Please donate to support our efforts.
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