Vitamin C – The Universal Helper that Boosts the Immune System

Vitamin C is also referred to as The Universal Helper. Vitamin C has been the subject of research for almost a century. Therefore much is known about its beneficial effects. It is a water soluble vitamin but it is very sensitive to oxygen. Foods which contain Vitamin C will lose their vitamin content very quickly if left open to the air.

The main function of Vitamin C in the body is the manufacture of collagen, the main protein substance of the human body. This protein hold our bodies together, such as connective tissues, cartilage, tendons and even those little lines and wrinkles in the skin which you see as getting older, are the result of a decrease in collagen production. Vitamin C plays an important role in all immune system functions, particularly in enhancing white blood cell function.

Any time there is increased chemical, emotional, psychological or physiological stress, the body excretes Vitamin C at an increased rate. So, worrying about whether you are going to have enough money to pay your bills, inhaling the fumes from the cleaning supplies you use to clean your bathroom, or catching a cold can all severely deplete your Vitamin C levels. Since we have stress every day of our lives, it stands to reason that we need to supplement with Vitamin C every day. The body’s ability to absorb Vitamin C is impaired by smoking, stress, high fever, prolonged administration of antibiotics and ingestion of aspirin or other painkillers. So, when you give your child some kind of drug to lower their fever during times of cold, flu, ear infection you are actually reducing their immune system’s ability to fight the infection.

As an antioxidant, Vitamin C also helps reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Actual clinical and experimental studies have shown that Vitamin C can reduce cancer rates, boost immunity, protect against pollution and cigarette smoke, increase life expectancy, and reduce the risk of cataracts. A high Vitamin C intake reduces the risk for virtually all forms of cancer, including cancers of the lung, colon, breast, cervix, esophagus, oral cavity, and pancreas.

Vitamin C has also been used for psychological disorders, including schizophrenia, depression, and paranoia. It even has helped to increase the IQ of children. Vitamin C is one of the most important dietary supplements. Vitamin C in large doses of 1000mg + helps us to fight the flu. It boosts our immune system. It is very important for good brain functioning. It neutralizes free radicals. Vitamin C has a preventive role in heart disease. It prevents hardening of the arteries.

Vitamin C kills candida, viruses, parasites and bacteria. It fights stress and acts as an antidepressant. It helps also lower high cholesterol. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which means that our body cannot function properly on a single dose of vitamin C a day. Vitamin C is disposed of within hours through our urine. Therefore it is important that we take Vitamin C throughout the day.

If you do not get enough vitamin C every day you’ll suffer eventually from fatigue, weakness, irritability and pain in your limbs. Being deficient in Vitamin C might increase your risk for heart disease and strokes. Being deficient in Vitamin C can also increase your risk of having certain cancers.

All in all vitamin C deficiency might result in not reaching your body’s optimum health potential. So please take care of your body and your mind.

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