Clinical Trials and Research News Weekly Roundup | S2 E23 | Oxford Vaccine

00:27 #AstraZeneca Full-Throttle with the Oxford Vaccine Including $1B from BARDA Despite Some Concerning Chatter:
AstraZeneca has received over $1 billion from the United States government, via BARDA investment, to support development and production of the Oxford University vaccine it has embraced as the candidate to go to market with great intentions of assurance involving the broad and equitable supply of the vaccine throughout the world at no profit during the pandemic. In light of recent controversial news associated with the Oxford #vaccine, are there any implications for this deal?

04:42 Mexican Federal Government Commences #Ivermectin Clinical Trials Targeting COVID-19:
Mexico’s Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers represents the federal government’s Civil Service Social Security and Services Institute, a federal organization in that nation of 126 million that administers part of the country’s health care and social security systems as well as provide assistance in the areas of disability, aging, and other social services. Known as the ISSSTE, this federal institution covers federal government workers. ISSSTE recently disclosed a small ongoing clinical trial investigating the efficacy of Ivermectin-Azithromycin-Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D) combination in early stages of COVID-19 with outpatient management.