Cooking With The Sterlings – Jamaican Coleslaw (Episode #8)

Jamaican (spicy) Coleslaw! Plus “Youtube Subscribing Viewers” can win FREE gifts awarded weekly just by subscribing, so hit the ((SUBSCRIBE)) button & Join The Sterlings [king & queen] once again in lighting up your taste buds every week. As well as receive exercise tips and More…

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Jamaican Coleslaw [ Written Recipe]

Around 15 small Baby Carrots.

1 Small Cabbage.

White Sugar.

White Vinegar.






Step 1: Pour salt in a bowl, then pour cold water on top of it then mix the salt and water together until the salt is dissolve.

Step 2: Cut Cabbage into half.

Step3: Place Cabbage into salt-water face down for 2 minutes.

Step 4: Remove Cabbage from salt-water, place it in the bowl.

Step 5: Use the knife to thread the cabbage in small pieces.

Step 6: Use the grater to thread the Carrot in small pieces on top of the Cabbage.

Vinegar Solution.

Step 1. (2) Tablespoon of White Vinegar.

Step 2: (2) Teaspoon of White Sugar.

Step 3: Pour sugar, then Vinegar in small call container, mix it together.

Step 4: Place the vinegar and sugar aside, and let it dissolve for 15 minutes.

Step 5: After the solution is finish dissolve springer it on top of the cabbage and carrot, then mix it together. Enjoy!

Health Benefit of Cabbage.
Cabbage Is Packed With Nutrients.
It May Help Keep Inflammation in Check.
Cabbage Is Packed With Vitamin C.
It Helps Improve Digestion.
May Help Keep Your Heart Healthy.
May Lower Blood Pressure.
Could Help Lower Cholesterol Levels.
Cabbage Is an Excellent Source of Vitamin K.

Vitamin K Benefit
Vitamin K refers to a group of fat-soluble vitamins that play a role in blood clotting, bone metabolism, and regulating blood calcium levels.
Vitamin K supports the maintenance of strong bones, improves bone density and decreases the risk of fractures.
Vitamin K may help keep blood pressure lower by preventing mineralization, where minerals build up in the arteries. This enables the heart to pump blood freely through the body.
Vitamin K Mineralization naturally occurs with age, and it is a major risk factor for heart disease. Adequate intake of vitamin K has also been shown to lower the risk of stroke.

Health Benefit of Carrot.
Carrot contain 88% of water.
Carrots are a particularly good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants ( 1 ). They also have a number of health benefits. They’re a weight-loss-friendly food and have been linked to lower cholesterol levels.
The carotene antioxidants have been linked to a reduced risk of cancer.

Orange carrots get their bright color from beta carotene, an antioxidant that your body converts into vitamin A.

Vitamin A Benefits.
May Lower Your Risk of Certain Cancers. …
Supports a Healthy Immune System. …
Reduces Your Risk of Acne. …
Supports Bone Health. …
Promotes Healthy Growth and Reproduction.