How to Get Rid of Bloating & Gas With Common Vitamin


If you’re like most people, bloating can really get you down. Just one look in the mirror and your self-esteem plummets. It normally carries your sex drive with it. That gassy, full, water-retaining feeling, may make it difficult to sleep, make you hate everything in your closet, and put you in a grumpy mood for days at a time. Why does it happen, and what can you do about it? First, take a look at the symptoms, and then we will consider some options to help you avoid that dreaded bloat. 1. Too Much Yeast Some people have a negative reaction to any kind of yeast in their system. It’s likely due to an unhealthy amount of candida in the digestive system. Fed by sugar, candida causes a terrible bloating and gassy feeling. It gives you a general bad feeling and can affect other areas of your health. 2. Gluten Intolerance Much like an overgrowth of candida in your system, those who suffer from Celiac’s disease, or don’t tolerate gluten, can become bloated when ingesting the substance that’s found in so many breads and pastas. What’s worse is when the bloating also leads to either constipation or diarrhea. If you think you’re gluten intolerant, talk to your doctor about running some tests to give you peace of mind. 3. Food Allergy Certain people have negative reactions to common foods like dairy, nuts, and some fruits. The allergy may manifest itself in several different ways, either internally or externally, including an irritation in the intestines, that leads to inflammation—commonly referred to as bloating. 4. Eating Irregularly Going too long without putting something in your stomach, but eating a large meal right before bedtime can cause you to feel full and bloated. Digestion will slow down along with your metabolism. It’s best to go to bed slightly hungry than stuffed and miserable. 5. Insulin Resistance Whenever our cells don’t respond to the proper signals sent by the body, insulin resistance occurs. When the body is functioning properly, the body’s cells will be triggered by insulin to use glucose and fat in our blood. Bloating, among other things like weight gain and an insatiable sweet tooth, are a few symptoms of insulin resistance. So, if you have any of these symptoms, what should you do? Finding out what’s causing you to bloat will help you find ways to treat it. Changing your diet is usually needed. Making sure you are getting enough Vitamin B is one natural way to treat bloating. No matter if it’s Vitamin B1, B6, or B12. These are super important when it comes to curing the annoying inflammation that makes us feel swollen and enlarged. Vitamin B1 assists in digestion. It breaks down carbs in our system and can also help with heart and nerve function. Vitamin B6 will help with water retention. Vitamin B12 should be taken by those who don’t eat meat or animal products. It helps keep stomach inflammation in check. These three B Vitamins are all important for general health, but a deficiency in any one might lead to that puffed-up look that we all try to avoid.

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How to Get Rid of Bloating & Gas With Common Vitamin: