8 Signs your body needs Vitamin D now! IMPORTANT FOR IMMUNE SYSTEM

🌤 Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? “Vitamin D deficiency is becoming an epidemic across the United States”, as rates continue to soar.

🌞 Our body naturally absorbs Vitamin D from sunlight. It is extremely important, & we become more at risk for not getting enough over the winter months, when our skin doesn’t touch as much light.

Some people go MONTHS without producing any vitamin D, which causes chaos within your body and can seriously compromise your immune system.
Vitamin D is a VITAL to the immune system, which is why people get sick more often during winter.
Right now, we need to focus on strengthening our immune system so that our bodies can fight off unwanted bacteria and illness, and help protect and heal us.

👇🏻 To boost Vit D levels:

Spend more time outside or sunbathe at a window if its too cold.
Go tanning (although I don’t recommend tanning often because of the risks & skin damage).
🍊 Vit D fortified foods: like orange juice, cereals, and dairy. (It will say FORTIFIED w/ D on the label!)
💊 Vit D supplement (It may not be absorbed as well, so pair w/ light or food).

** TYPE of supplement is also very important.
Make sure you’re getting vitamin D3 AND K2, because they need each other to work. Also, vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and needs fat in order to be absorbed.
I included a link for a reputable supplement made with coconut oil for this reason, or simply eat something fatty with your vitamin- could even be a small spoonful of oil!

Many who are sometimes even dangerously deficient in Vit D won’t show any signs or symptoms!

⚕ Its probably a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor to get your levels tested! Ask your doctor to test you vit D 25 levels

** Link for reputable brand of vitamin D3: