Home isolation kit for covid 19

What all you need to buy and keep ready in case you or your family member is advised home isolation as he/she is covid positive.
I’ll advise you all to be prepared as number of cases is on rapid rise to prepare and keep this home isolation kit ready as once the famiy goes in quarantine it might be difficult to procure things.
1) surgical Mask and gloves (around 20-30)
2) thermometer
3) bleach (1% sodium hypochloride), lysol can also be used.
4) Routine medicines for family members,ensure a supply of 15 days.
5)Common medicines like Paracetamol 650mg, Pantocid 40mg, Montair LC, Cough syrup, Vitamin C and Vitamin D tablets
6) First Aid Kit
7)Store some dry food item like rice,dal.flour,dry milk and ensure supply of drinking water.
#homeosolation ,#COVID19 ,#drshikhapanwar, #corona, #coronavirus,#homeisolationguidelines