Awesome Tips for Feeding Your Cats | Essential Nutrients For Cats | Nandan Pets&Us | Vanaja Subash

Importance of Nutrients in Cats – Nutritional Needs.
At the most basic level there are 41 essential nutrients required by cats (in comparison to 37 in dogs)
Cats vary from many species in their different nutritional requirements for protein, certain amino acids, and vitamins.
An important amino acid is taurine which is needed for eyesight, heart function, bile formation and reproduction in female cats. Cats are not able to make enough taurine themselves and rely on it being provided in food. 
Nearly all taurine comes from meat, poultry or shellfish, so cats should never be fed as vegetarians. 
In most animal species vitamin A is made inside their bodies. However, cats cannot make vitamin A, so it must be provided in the diet, either naturally or as a supplement.

Niacin, or nicotinic acid, is a B-complex vitamin which, in dogs, can be made using the amino acid tryptophan. The enzyme system responsible for this conversion does not work well in cats and they also need much more of this vitamin than dogs.

The nutritional needs of any one individual cat can also be affected by its lifestages.
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