3 Vitamins That Will Protect Your Children Against Coronavirus | Natural Health By Hana

3 Vitamins That Will Protect Your Children Against Coronavirus | Natural Health By Hana

A nutrition expert from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Indonesia,
said that children’s endurance and immunity are much more vulnerable to viruses,
including coronavirus. Therefore, their endurance must be increased.
In addition to macro nutrition, it is also necessary to equip children with micronutrients
including vitamins and minerals. Vitamin has an important function as a protector for the immunity system.
Here are the 3 vitamins needed for your children.
1. Vitamin A function is for the child’s immunity and growth. Foods that contain vitamin A are fish,
cheese, shrimp, milk, eggs, carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, kale, and other fresh vegetables.

2. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and can help remove toxins in our body,
as well as boosting our immune system. Foods that contain vitamin C including strawberries,
pineapple, broccoli, mango, kiwi, papaya, guava.

3. Vitamin D.
Based on the research in the Journal of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutic, almost 50 percent
of people from all over the world are deficient in vitamin D. Even though one of the benefits
of vitamin D is to increase the immune system. Besides getting vitamin D from the sun,
you can also get it from eggs, fish, beef liver, common mushrooms, and cereals.

Alongside with the nutritional needs, children must be protected from environmental exposure.
The most important thing is to wash hands with soap regularly, after they do any kind of activities because viruses can stick to things.

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