Himalaya Gokshura : Usage, Benefits & Side Effects | Review In Hindi By Dr.Mayur | Testosterone

Himalaya Gokshura

Himalaya Wellness Pure Herbs Gokshura Men’s Wellness – 60 Tablets

Himalaya Gokshura – 250 mg

Himalaya Combo Of Ashvgandha And Gokshura – Pack Of 4 (60 Tab Each)


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Himalaya Gokshura : Usage, Benefits & Side Effects | Review In Hindi By Dr.Mayur | Testosterone

Today in this video i will be talking about Himalaya Gokshura, Gokshura is an herbal medicine from Himalaya Drug Company. It contains single ingredient which is the fruit extract of Gokhru or Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris). This medicine is indicated in Depressed libido & erectile dysfunction.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition and dosage.

Manufacturer: The Himalaya Drug Company
Availability: Online and at medical stores
Type of medicine: Proprietary Medicine
Main Indication: ED
Suitable for: Males
MRP/Price (Variable):
Ingredients of Himalaya Gokshura
Each tablet contains: Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) fruit extract – 250mg

Know the ingredient
Gokhru, Gokhura, Gokshuru, Gochurak, Trikantaka (Sanskrit), Caltrops, Puncture vine (English), Nerunchi Mul (Siddha) all are synonyms of Tribulus terrestris (Fam. Zygophyllaceae).

It consists of dried, ripe, entire fruit of Tribulus terrestris L., an annual rarely perennial prostrate, common weed of the pasture lands, road sides and other waste places, chiefly in hot, dry and sandy regions; throughout India.

The main constituent of Gokhru include Terrestrosins A, B, C, D and E, desgalactotigonin, F-gitonin, desglucolanatigonin, gitonin, hydrolysed products include diosgenin, hecogenin and neotigogenin; tribulusamides A and B, Ntrans- feruloyl tyramine, terrestriamide, N- trans- coumaroyl tyramine, ß-sitosterol and steroidal and saponins.

Gokhru has following Ayurvedic Properties and actions:

Why Gokhru is used for Male disorders?
Gokhru is used in Ayurveda for treating different ailments of male reproductive system as it:

Causes 50 per cent increase in testosterone levels and improved reproductive function.
Cooling in effect, having diuretic, tonic and aphrodisiac.
Improves muscle building, stamina and endurance.
Stimulative effect on the sexual system.
Important Therapeutic Uses of Himalaya Gokshura
ED, performance problem
Low energy, vigour
Urinary tract infection UTI
Semen disorders (too few sperms / oligospermia or no sperms azoospermia or defects in sperm quality)

Suggestions, Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects and Warnings
Specific contraindications have not been identified.
It is completely safe to take this medicine in recommended doses.
Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factor. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give same result in another person.

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