Herd Immunity effectively counter COVID-19 [CoronaVirus] | Social Distancing | Dr. S. Nikhil Gupta

The idea of herd immunity as the solution to the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a heated debate, but what is herd immunity and how does it work?

Herd Immunity effectively counter COVID-19 (Corona Virus) in Hindi

Herd immunity is the indirect protection from a contagious infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through the previous infection.

This means that even people who aren’t vaccinated, or in whom the vaccine doesn’t trigger immunity, are protected because people around them who are immune can act as buffers between them and an infected person.

Once herd immunity has been established for a while, and the ability of the disease to spread is hindered, the disease can eventually be eliminated.

The more infectious a disease, the greater the population immunity needed to ensure herd immunity. For example, measles is highly contagious and one person with measles can infect up to 18 other people. This means that around 95% of people need to be immune in order for the wider group to have herd immunity.

The new coronavirus has a lower infection rate than measles, with each infected person passing it on to two or three new people, on average. This means that herd immunity should be achieved when around 60% of the population becomes immune to COVID-19.

This video is about COVID – 19 (Corona Virus) Virus. Let’s Defeat the Corona Virus Together. Please stay tuned and stay healthy.

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Dr. Surender Nikhil Gupta

– Public Health Specialist – Military Hospital, Yol Cantt, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India.
– Ex. DAPO (District AIDS Program Officer) Kangra, Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Himachal Pradesh, India.

I have started this new channel for the health tips in the Hindi language so that everyone will be healthy.

Videos are on Corona Virus Updates. 21 Days Lockdown.

I have retired out as DAPO (District AIDS Project Officer) in the CMO office of Kangra, H.P at Dharamshala in September 2018 while I joined service as a General Duty Officer in the health department of the government of Himachal Pradesh in June 1986.

That one of my remarkable achievements in district Kangra of Himachal Pradesh are the recommendations about the second dose opportunity for measles at the age of 16-24 months, the first dose to be administered at nine months of age of a child under Universal Immunization Programme (UIP).

Secondly, the circulating measles strains in the district have been detected to be genotyped as D4 by the Laboratory of National Institute of Virology, Pune. We have investigated laboratory-confirmed outbreaks of measles and German measles in district Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.

Based on remarkable observations derived from laboratory-confirmed measles/rubella outbreaks in district Kangra of Himachal Pradesh, the recommendations were put forward about the second dose opportunity for measles/M.R. at the age of 16-24 months.

Based on our analytical studies/recommendations for eliminating the outbreaks in the state, the govt. India has proposed to introduce M.R. vaccination in well-performing states like Himachal Pradesh with the first booster of DPT and Polio.

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Published by: EduRoutes – The Knowledge Hub (

Location: Kangra, H.P, India