Vitamin D3 breakdown

When looking at vitamin D3 supplements we want to look for the form cholecalciferol. This is going to be more bioavailable especially in soft gel form (olive oil or Mct oil base) 1000-4000UI are some of the dosing ranges. Usually lifestyle and genetic depending

What is VitD3? What are some functions?

Vitamin D is a fat soluble secosteroid or hormone that we get from UVB sun exposure. The issue especially in certain geographical locations is the UVB doesn’t penetrate the atmosphere and make it to us

The skin makes vitamin d from UVB conversion, it’s then stored in the fat cells, and converted into a hormone, then released as needed, this hormone regulates 5% of the human genome (cool stuff🧬 )

This hormone then binds to the immune receptors, immune function is then activated and regulated. It also binds to the Ace2 receptor and helps regulate it, which protects us from respiratory ailments

It helps absorb calcium and phosphorus (up to 40% more than being vitamin D deficient)

It’s also found or plays a role in 30 different tissues, and 1000 different genes (also so cool, and way above my basic understanding)

I think it’s one of the most beneficial supplements, especially at $19.99 for 90
day servings

If you’d like to be more conscious of how to get in diet here are some sources
– Fresh fatty fish
– Cereal (usually poor quality)
– Cheese
– Egg yolk
– Mushrooms
– Ruminant liver

I hope this wasn’t to boring and thanks for watching/reading

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