Magical Drink 5 Tea | Tamil | Renugadevi | Week Ends | Home Made | Immune booster

Dry Ginger :
• Treats Common Cold And Asthma
• Helps in Treating Jaundice
• Treats Indigestion
• Lowers cholesterol
• Painful Menstruation

• Black pepper is enriched with vitamin C, which naturally boosts the immunity and works as an excellent antibiotic.
• It contains minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, as well as vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B6, according to the USDA National Nutrient Database Other nutrients include vitamin E, folate, and vitamin K.
• Black pepper aids in weight loss, and helps in relieving sinus, asthma, and nasal congestion.
• It also reduces the risk of cancer, and heart and liver ailments.
• Black pepper is also enriched with vitamin C, which naturally boosts the immunity and works as an excellent antibiotic.

Coriander seed:
• Coriander seed helps in reducing bad cholesterol and promotes good cholesterol in the body.
• It is rich in copper, zinc, iron , vitamin K, C, Band other essential minerals that increases RBC and improves heart health.
•  It also help in increasing metabolism.

Black cumin:
• Prevent Diabetes
• Lower Blood Pressure
•  Increase Memory and Concentration
• Black cumin can increase the growth of T-cells that are useful for destroying infected cells so the body will be stronger to withstand the growth of cancerous cells.
• Saponin found in black cumin can cleanse and neutralize toxins in the body to maximize the performance of organs. It can also reduce symptoms of diarrhea and respiratory problems.

Long pepper(Thippili):
• Indian long pepper is used to improve appetite and digestion, as well as treat stomachache, heartburn, indigestion, intestinal gas, diarrhea, and cholera.
• It is also used for lung problems including asthma, bronchitis, and cough.

• Cardamom contains phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

How to make it:
• Take below ingredients as mentioned.
1. Dry ginger – 50g
2. Pepper – 50g
3. Coriander seeds – 50g
4. Black cumin – 10g
5. Long pepper – 10g
6. Cardamom – 10g
• If they are super dry we can put it in the mixer and powder it.
• Else we can roast it in pan and make it as powder.
• Before putting dry ginger in mixer break them a little .
• We can make this drink as how we prepare tea.
• We can also put this powder along with your tea powder while making tea.