More Than Vitamin C

A comprehensive breakdown of immune function & clinically-proven nutritional solutions to exponentially build & boost immune capacity at the cellular level.

Nutrition is not a cure; the body is the miraculous healer & can only do its job when provided adequate cellular nourishment. Supplements should be biologically complete from whole food sources & proven to be bioavailable and safe, evidenced by human clinical trials. NeoLife has partnered with the world-leading authorities in the field of nutritional research for more than 6 decades, serving over 50 countries with superior solutions & a spotless track record. Their beyond-organic quality exceeds the standards of every major regulatory authority in the world for purity, potency & consistency.

Dr. Diane Clayton is a world-renowned Biochemist, Nutritionist & Health Practitioner with the Scientific Advisory Board of NeoLife International. She has published authoritative, leading edge nutritional research and is highly respected.

*These products have not been evaluated by the FDA & are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.