COVID-19 Update USA : How RANTES Can Explain Coronavirus Symptoms | Leronlimab and RANTES

COVID-19 Update USA : How RANTES Can Explain Coronavirus Symptoms | Leronlimab and RANTES

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Dr. Bruce Patterson recently released data from his potentially groundbreaking study at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx suggesting that (Coronavirus) COVID-19 was a “RANTES” disease.

While many investigators have been focused on finding the main cytokine responsible for the cytokine storm in COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Dr. Patterson has stated the chemokine RANTES is the main culprit in COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

RANTES brings many immune cells like T cells, dendritic cells, eosinophils, NK cells, mast cells, and basophils to sites of inflammation and infection. RANTES is also produced by many cells in the body including platelets, macrophages, and endothelial, epithelial, and endometrial cells.

The CCR5 receptor and RANTES complex have also been shown to have a role in cancer metastasis especially in breast and prostate cancer. Some studies have shown that by inhibiting CCR5, cancer metastasis may be halted.

CCR5 is a chemokine receptor for RANTES and is expressed by T-cells and macrophages and is known to be an important co-receptor, along with CD4, of HIV.

We have been hearing for months now that many patients have succumbed to COVID-19 because of acute respiratory distress syndrome or ARDS and that the ACE2 receptor on the type 2 pneumocytes of the alveoli cell is how COVID-19 is attacking our lungs. However it is also well documented that cytokines and chemokines like RANTES play a role in acute lung injury, ARDS, and other lung pathologies.

So according to many investigators, the ACE2 receptor that the spike protein of the virus has an affinity to, is expressed on the bile duct and liver cells, and might be the reason for liver injury in COVID-19. However, it is also known that RANTES plays a role in liver inflammation and disease and could be another reason why we are seeing liver injury in COVID-19 patients.

While the ACE2 receptor has been implicated in kidney damage in COVID-19 (Coronavirus), many others researchers believe that cytokine storms are what is causing renal damage. Dr. Patterson has also implicated RANTES as the main chemokine causing renal injury from COVID-19.
We know that CCL chemokines like RANTES are involved in acute renal injury.

And over the past few weeks, we have been talking a lot about patients developing inflammation of blood vessels (Kawasaki disease), DVTs and strokes, and many researchers have suggested that the lining of blood vessels, called the endothelium, is being attacked by COVID-19. However, there is also evidence suggesting that RANTES plays a role in the pathogenesis of these conditions.

– Dr. Yo

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