How to Boost Immunity Power Naturally – 5 Easy ways to increase immunity power | Nutrition Spoon

How to boost immune power Naturally

Immune system is very important when it comes to your health.
By following a few things, you can boost your immunity power naturally over a period of time and stay healthy.

1. Personal hygiene
Personal hygiene is very important when it comes to your immunity. Preventing infectious pathogens such as (bacteria, viruses and fungi) from entering into the body is a good way to stay healthy.
To maintain proper hygiene :
You should take a bath daily: This washes off any germs present on your body.
Clean your teeth at least once a day: Ideally, you should cleanse your mouth after every meal. This cleans your mouth from any germs or leftover food particles. This also helps you avoid gum diseases.
Wash your hands properly : Washing your hands prevent the spread of bacteria from getting into your body from mouth or eyes through your hands.
Change into clean clothes: Make sure to wash dirty clothes after each use and hang the clothes in the sun to dry as sunlight kills the bacteria.

2. Eat Healthy Diet
Nutrients you get from plant foods like vegetables, fruits and herbs are essential to increase your immunity power naturally.
You should eat more plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C, which is a strong booster of Immunity. You can have Oranges, Lemon, Grapes, Kiwi, Papaya and many more.
Also add as much vegetables as possible to your plate. It is overall good for the whole of your body. Some vegetables are high in Vitamins C, B6, E and other components such as Broccoli, Red Bell Pepper, Ginger, Garlic, Spinach etc. These will help boost your Immune system.

3. Sleep Well and Enough
Sleep and immunity are connected to each other. If you take little sleep for slightly longer time, then this can weaken your immunity. In the same way, If you have low immunity then it can disrupt your sleep.
Having good quality sleep for enough hours is very important to boost your immunity power naturally.
An adult needs 6-8 hours of sleep each night.
Teens need 8-10 hours of sleep and infants may sleep for 10-14 hours per day.
To have good quality sleep
• You should go to, and get out of, bed at same time each day.
• Get yourself enough sunlight exposure in the daytime.
• Avoid any light exposure (especially blue light from mobile, laptops and TV screens) at night time.
• Keep your room completely dark when sleeping.
• Exercise Regularly but not at night.
• Avoid any stress
4. Exercise Regularly
Exercise is very beneficial to the body. Regular exercise protects the body from diseases like hypertension, obesity, diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases.

You can some basic exercises such as:

• Walking
• Jogging
• Cycling
• Swimming
• Dancing

5. Leave Bad Habits

Cut off on Alcohol: If you consume high levels of alcohol on a regular basis then it decreases your ability to fight off infections. It also increases your recovery time, which is even worse.
Quit Smoking: Similar to alcohol, cigarette smoking is also bad for immune health. Cigarette smoke contains thousands of toxins such as Carbon Monoxide, Nicotine, Nitrogen Oxide and Cadmium which can compromise your immune system.
Stress Relaxation:
Stress has a direct impact on the immunity of a person. Prolonged stress can also activate latent viruses present in the body.

Here are some ways you can adopt to manage your stress:
• Do some yoga or meditation daily.
• Spare some time to do the thing you enjoy doing.
• Exercise on a regular basis.
• Have good quality sleep for enough hours.

By following these things, you can strengthen your immune system. The natural ways and tips described here show their results over a period of time. On an acute basis, you should go for medication and supplements to get results.

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We wish you to stay healthy.
