Glenn Perry Walkathon for Coronavirus

Walkathon against Coronavirus – Dubai to Sharjah

In an effort to show solidarity for people fighting coronavirus, Brain stroke survivor Glenn Perry will walk from Dubai to Sharjah to raise awareness about the benefits of exercise for mental and physical health.

Glenn says boosting the immune system is a great defense against coronavirus. This is further to the hygiene advice given by WHO.

After he suffered a brain stroke, Glenn says exercise was a key factor in maintaining his health. He said that he began regular walking in an effort to boost his own mental and physical health and hasn’t looked back since.

“Exercise is the miracle cure. We should not neglect taking a daily dose of exercise. Exercise reduces stress, makes you happier, increases motivation, makes you strong, helps boost confidence. Exercise can energize you, help improve fatigue and boost energy levels, it reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. It triggers the growth of new brain cells, slows aging, reduces dementia, helps treat depression”.

With so little known of the causes of coronavirus and how to treat the syndrome, Glenn has decided to take up this massive challenge to raise awareness for health. The 32 km walkathon will begin at 6 am on 28th May from Dubai clock tower.

I’ve always loved to express myself and help other people. To me there is no better feeling than making someone else happy or giving them comfort that they’re not alone, especially in turbulent times like this and when it comes to mental and physical health. This being the reason I decided to stride the Walkathon.

Several years ago, Glenn completed similar challenges by walking from Dubai to Ajman, and Dubai to Um Al Quwain in aid of Parkinson’s disease and Alzhemeir’s disease.

To prevent this pandemic, Glenn says “Strengthen your immune system, be healthy, and stay positive”.