LSU Strength Training Coach Tom Moffitt: Vitamin Supplements

LSU University head strength and conditioning coach Tom Moffitt talks about choosing the right supplement for high school and NCAA athletes. “”Any central nervous system stimulant, I donÕt think has any place in a weight room, and thatÕs a broad spectrum right there. But what it does is it affects the perceived exertion, which, you know, a guy can come out here and although heÕs in great shape and et cetera, itÕs really hot and humid here, and anything that you do that affects his perceived exertion I think could set him up for some problems. So any central nervous system stimulant, I have a problem with, because I donÕt want guys passing out and their heart rate being elevated. You know, they have all of these, you now, theyÕre not supposed to be pro hormones anymore, but now, they have all these products that are supposed to elevate testosterone and all that stuff. First, I have, you know, I question whether or not itÕs true that they actually work, you know. IÕm sure a lot of the guys having a lot of those products have the placebo effect, so I question whether or not those products actually work or the FDA wouldnÕt let people sell them. But if they did work, I would question the ethics on that and whether or not itÕs healthy for the young guys to take, because a lot of our guys still are maturing, and I would question whether or not that would be safe for them to use.””