HEALING Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hepatitis, Leaky Gut, Allergies, Vitamin Deficiencies? TESTIMONY…

FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE WORKS! This is the story of a patient that was having multiple symptoms and sought help through different specialist but her problem went undiagnosed. The skin was being treated without realizing that her blood had all the answers to explain her body aches, skin rash, fatigue, abdominal pain, severe weakness and joint and bone pain. Her blood showed me she had liver problems secondary to a virus called Hepatitis, the blood marker for rheumatoid arthritis was positive, her total IgE showing underlying was very elevated and we identified 7 food allergies: corn, wheat, egg, shrimp, soybean, cow milk, walnut. All this was indicating a leaky gut. Somehow her protective mechanism that should not allow virus, food, pathogens to go into the blood stream was broken. We tested 31 vitamins and amino acids and she was very deficient. I took the functional medicine approach to launch an investigation and give her answers and heal her without the need for medications. The first approach is always conservative approach Three years later she is better than ever. Whenever she falls back on her treatment plan that was mapped out, she has a flare up and this allows her to undertake and stay with a healthy lifestyle. This is a very inspiration testimony. There are answers, we have to look, take our time and treat the whole person. The body has its own ability to heal, we need to turn on that switch and healing does occur.

Dr. Monica Cisneros, DC