Coronavirus focused: immune system and anti-virus support – Dr. Matt Cook #265

On this coronavirus focused podcast we look at anything and everything we can do to improve our health and immune system. Including;

Functional medicine treatments, and commonly available supplements that science may show helps. Pharmaceutical approaches that doctors and governments may pursue First a disclaimer at the start… please don’t start any new regime without consulting your medical practitioner. If you think you are suffering from coronavirus you must get the appropriate medical advice, as Dr Cook advocates a number of times in this podcast.

Dr. Matt Cook runs a functional medicine clinic called BioReset Medical, and is one of the world’s top experts in the area of natural health and immunity. I first found out about him from Ben Greenfield and Dave Asprey. He has spent the past several weeks distilling the latest coronavirus research, talking with experts around the world and integrating his vast clinical experience to provide up to date information to the public and medical practitioners. As you’ll hear, he’s reading every available study every day, and he’s changing his approach based on the science daily too. To reiterate, if you get ill, he is absolutely not saying take matters into your own hands. You must get proper medical treatment, but he does say there are things you can do to boost your immunity.

Please stay safe and healthy.