227 Vitamin K2 – Heart, Bones & Brain – Rheaume

Listen; The full Episode with show notes & references here,

Note Well –
Vitamin K2 Can Significantly Change Your Life &  Longevity
Dr. Kate Rhéaume is a graduate and former faculty member of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr. Kate lectures internationally on many topics related to health and wellness and is considered to be a leading authority on vitamin K2. She is the author of the best-selling book Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life.

Topics For Your Life
This brief intro only hints at the multiple applications of this exciting interview, from such a well-informed guest. I’ll name drop a few topics that will catch your attention and require you to show up! Heart disease, specifically atherosclerosis and calcium accumulation, arthritis, kidney stones, and yes, osteoporosis.

Key Point: Vitamin K2 and K1 Are Quite Different
And do listen as we discuss the two subsets of K2: Vitamin K divides into several different subtypes, but the most important ones are K2’s MK-4 and MK-7. [1] Each has a specific target objective and will help you select which one to use for your longevity and wellness.

If those medical maladies don’t catch your attention take a look at this article in Bazaar: Vitamin K2 – The most important vitamin women need and haven’t heard of   – where her interview with the journalist there starts the more evolved conversation we have here at CBJ
Treatment Link & References
Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox: How a Little Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life  – 2013 – Global Amazon Link:
– More info: –
* PDF: Vitamin K Review – 83 References
– See the CBJ/227 website to download
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Thanks, Dr. Rhéaume, for joining us here at CBJ to review these personal observations about your research and practice with Vitamin K, – K2 & MK7!

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