First Foods: Covid-19, the Immune System and Traditional Foods with Instructor Linda Black Elk

Instructor Linda Black Elk is an ethnobotanist who specializes in teaching about plants of cultural importance and their uses such as food, medicines and materials. Linda works to develop a curriculum and ways of thinking that promote and protect food sovereignty, traditional plant knowledge and environmental quality as an extension of the fight against hydraulic fracturing and the fossil fuel industry.

La instructora Linda Black Elk es una etnobotánica que se especializa en enseñar sobre plantas de importancia cultural y sus usos como alimentos, medicinas y materiales. Linda trabaja para desarrollar un plan de estudios y formas de pensar que promuevan y protejan la soberanía alimentaria, el conocimiento tradicional de las plantas y la calidad ambiental como una extensión de la lucha contra la fractura hidráulica y la industria de los combustibles fósiles.

First Foods is an educational series that features Indigenous culture bearers who hold the oldest knowledge on the continent.

Our goals:

1. Preserve and share Indigenous knowledge making what is often unavailable to urban Native people available. Our target market is other Indigenous people and our program is spearheaded by Indigenous womxn.

2.Provide much needed teaching opportunities to a population of people who are valuable to preserving biodiversity, promoting alternative food preparation, and highlighting ways to build health outside industrial food systems.

Thank you to our sponsor Ibex Puppetry for the support to make this happen!