What is Vitamin ? || Hindi || Harshit Balutia Fitness ||

In simple words it is a chemical mixture that is needed by the human body in small amounts to work correctly or properly for daily functions.

Vitamin are body builder maintenance worker and defender by helping building muscles and bones, making use of nutrients, capture and gives energy and helping healing wounds

So how does vitamin from here goes to our body? Before that we should know that vitamins are of two types

a) Fat soluble a, d, e and k
b) Water soluble b and c

Water soluble vitamins get dissolved in watery parts of fruits, vegetable plants and grains, once these vitamins are inside our body they are easily digested by our system and get involved with blood because blood plasma is a water base.

Fat soluble vitamins dissolve with fats and are found in food items like dairy oil and butter, these vitamins get inside the stomach and then to our intestine where the acidic substance known as bile from liver which breakdowns these fat-soluble vitamins so that they can be absorbed by the intestine walls.

These fat-soluble vitamins do not combine with blood directly because blood have a watery nature because of its plasma, so these vitamins require protein as their carrier to transport fat soluble vitamins into the blood.

Now we talk about how these vitamins are stored or ejected by the body.
Our body has an ability to circulate the water easily and the water-based vitamins are easily passed out through the kidney, so the most water-soluble vitamins are needed to replenish inside our body on the daily basis from the food we eat, because the water soluble vitamin which are required by the body are absorbed by the body but the rest water soluble vitamin which are extra inside the body is been ejected by the body through urine, so that’s why here comes the theory that the water soluble vitamin are need to replenish daily in our body

Now when we talk about the fat-soluble vitamins they are very different from the water soluble vitamin because they have the ability to stay inside the body and are not ejected through any source from the human body and are stored inside the liver and fat cells as a backup and the body uses them when they are needed, which means which should not overload fat soluble vitamins inside our body because the body already has them stored inside the system.

So the conclusion is that without these vitamin variety body can face many problems like fatigue, nerve breakdown, weaker bones and many others and on the other hand to much of vitamin can cause toxicity inside our body which is not good.
And in reality, is all about getting the balanced number of vitamins in your body and hitting the jackpot.

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