My Daily Nutritional Guidelines (Full days worth)

Intro + Overview)
Hey everyone, welcome back, it’s your fitness and wellness healer Ricco.
In this video I’ll be giving you an insight on my daily nutritional intake and the reasoning behind it.

Disclaimer Notice)
Just to be clear, I’m not a Physician, or a Registered Dietician. My intent is to simply provide you with nutritional guidelines with my research and experiences. Also, I’m not claiming to cure any diseases, illnesses, &/or viruses.

Part 1)
Intermittent Fasting is a tool I wasn’t always a fan of because growing up I was always told that breakfast was very important and should be consumed not long after you wake up. With research and experience I realized I could do both, fast and still eat breakfast. So now from 6am to 12pm, my main focus is detoxifying my body by fasting and jump starting my hydration. As you can see, there are quite a few benefits from fasting. The way I see it, if I give my body less work by not having to break down food, my body will be a lot more efficient with healing itself. I consume about 2-4 16.9 fl oz bottled water, depending on my activity levels in the morning. I’ll usually drink any spring water brand but one of my future investments is to own a system that helps to keep a balanced ph and removes any toxic chemicals. Around 9am to 11am, at least 3 days out of the week I commit to drinking fresh 100% juice instead of taking a multi vitamin pill. Investing in a juicer machine was one of the best decisions I’ve made for my life. I consume anywhere from 3-15+ fl oz in one sitting. This is a very natural and efficient way to jumpstart your nutritional intake, since you skip the breaking down of fiber step and jump straight into nutrient absorption. Eventually I’d love to commit to juicing every single day. About 30 mins before breaking my fast, the final fluid I prefer to drink is green tea. This preps my body to break food down efficiently and as you can see, it helps with many other things in our body.

Part 2)
Breakfast is another stepping stone I use to help my body gain more nutrients with less effort. So 90% of the time I break my fast with a smoothie packed with flavor and fuel. Sometimes I don’t have all the ingredients I’d typically use but I don’t allow that to stir me away from having a smoothie. I drink anywhere from 20-30 fl oz a day. I do my best to stay away from processed foods but I make an exception for peanut butter. My new favorite ingredient in my smoothies are sea moss gel and it isn’t because of the way it taste. It has a neutral taste so it won’t be a factor when it comes to destroying the flavor you’re aiming to create. This plant, sea moss is loaded with nutrients and has about 92 out of 102 minerals we humans need. So just know I do my best to have a jar or two of sea moss gel. I personally get my sea moss gel delivered to me from Static Seamoss in Takoma Park, MD.

Part 3)
Lunch is when I allow my body to really work by having to digest whole meals. So at 4pm I’ll eat eggs or some other type of protein depending on how I’m feeling. I’m pretty flexible when it comes to my whole meals. As long as I have 50% portioned for veggies &/or fruit, 25% portioned for protein, and 25% portioned for carbs. Also, my food doesn’t have to be aesthetically pleasing, just nutritionally dense.

Part 4)
Dinner is typically around 7pm – 8pm. This meal follows the same rules as my lunch. The only difference is that I allow myself to order out from time to time. My go to restaurant is Pollo oro located in Langley park. I personally believe they have the best tasting Peruvian chicken in my area. The price vs the quality and quantity they serve is a blessing. Since my mornings are pretty strict, I don’t beat myself up if I eat something processed or not nutritionally dense. But just know this meal I ordered for dinner at pollo oro is packed with nutrients. To end my 8 hours of eating time, I usually have a cup of green tea during or right after dinner.

Part 5)
In Summary, I do believe less is more. We have to start viewing ourselves the same way we view our cars. Why would I stop at a gas station to put gas in my car that has a full tank? No one would ever do that but we’re constantly fueling our bodies when we already have leftover stored energy from our previous meals. Consistently fueling up our bodies while having a full tank eventually becomes more and more body fat stored. In the US the majority of us are constantly over eating while still being malnourished. Use this video as an opportunity to do your own research and gain your own experiences. Figure out what food and what schedule works best for your body to function at optimal levels.

Tune into this channel to let me help you master your body, mind, and soul. Also, please be mindful and supportive by liking, subscribing, and sharing this channel with someone who would benefit.

Peace and One Love.