How the [bleep] do we beat COVID-19? Fight coronavirus using Art of War

The title “How the [bleep] do we beat COVID-19?” reflects the frustration we feel due to the non-availability of any anti-COVID-19 drug or a coronavirus vaccine. This video provides an evidence-based solution to the challenge we will face when the lockdown and social distancing end. It presents the strategic framework we can use to win this battle against COVID-19, based on the 2,400-year-old book, Art of War, written by the Chinese General Sun Tzu.

Legal Disclaimer: This video is for general information only. It does not constitute medical advice. Please check with your healthcare provider before making any changes. The information contained in it is extracted from WHO documents including Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease, dated 16-24 February 2020.

Coronavirus can spread very fast. That’s because, unlike almost every other virus, coronavirus can be spread by infected people who show no signs of symptoms. That means they can unknowingly spread the virus to healthy people. This is what will happen when the lockdown and social distancing end. That is why we have to get ready to fight COVID-19.

If you feel you need a little help to get ready for this battle, you may want to check out this keto- & paleo-friendly superfood powder designed for daily use. It offers a blend of collagen protein, probiotics, prebiotics, anti-Inflammatories, and antioxidants. More information from

There are no drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 and no coronavirus vaccine. However, blood serum from patients can neutralize COVID-19 by developing our immunity against it. So our immune system is our only weapon against coronavirus.

To strengthen your immune system to battle this invisible enemy:
Adopt a wholesome lifestyle with balanced work, exercise, and relaxation; Drink enough water and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol; Get enough sleep and take time to de-stress when needed.

The battle between coronavirus and your immune system will take place inside your body, with no outside help. Therefore, you need to follow the advice of Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” That means excluding all processed food and beverages. And including lots of fresh fruits, raw vegetables, sprouts, greens, and whole grains. That is because modern food processing destroys essential nutrients in everything we consume.

To help our immune system win this battle, we need to return to unprocessed foods closest to their natural state. And return to natural medicines that heal illnesses holistically by strengthening our immune system. To kill bacteria and viruses that invade our body frequently, we need to raise our cellular oxygen level. You can do that through simple daily exercises such as walking and swimming.

Also, avoid possible risks to your cellular health from the effects of electromagnetic radiation. To guard against this from cellular networks, especially 5G, minimize your daily use of cellular devices.

The real battle will start when the lockdown and social distancing end. You need to protect yourself and others from this invisible enemy: Wear a mask when coughing or sneezing; Clean hands often with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash with soap and water; Maintain 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and others; Avoid going to crowded places; Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.

Prolonged coronavirus anxiety can suppress your immune system. Therefore, create positive thoughts to help your immune system destroy the invading virus. Breathe deep to increase oxygen levels in your cells to help your immune system. Take any herbal medicines you have been using to heal yourself from colds.

Your immune system has the power to defend you against all disease-causing bacteria and viruses, including coronavirus. All it needs is your patience, trust, and love!

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How the [bleep] to change from a covid Worrier to a corona Warrior?

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Thumbnail images are by Pete Linforth and tony241969 from Pixabay. Other fleeting images are from Pexels. Photo of penguins is from National Geographic Magazine, November 2012. Details of images used under a Creative Commons License: and

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