Vitamin D Supplement Subliminal | Nightshade Subliminals

This subliminal will allow you to receive the daily benefits of taking a vitamin D supplement as well as allow you to better absorb vitamin D from the sun. These benefits include things such as healthy energy levels, relief of depression and anxiety, better metabolism, and ease when falling asleep at night. Includes built-in prep and cool-down mini boosters for extra effectiveness. As a disclaimer, please remember that this is not a substitute for professional medical advice, and please take good care of yourself.

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Instructions: To use this subliminal, simply play the video at a gentle, comfortable volume either through speakers or headphones and go about your business. Repeat the subliminal about 3-10 times – the more, the better – but know your personal limits and take breaks, if necessary. Please drink lots of water while using subliminals, as it can be very draining – like exercise.

The recommended conditions for quickest subliminal results are over headphones on repeat while you sleep. The recommended playlist arrangement for quickest subliminal results are a pattern of alternating boosters and subliminals. If this is your first time using subliminals, I would recommend using a flush by itself for at least a week before using any other subliminals. Again, these are just recommendations. You are free to use these subliminals however works best for you.