Webinar – Boosting Your Immune System with Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important molecule for the proper function of every cell in our body! All living vertebrates, except for humans, monkeys and guinea pigs, make Vitamin C naturally. Their bodies produce Vitamin C at a rate of 1,000 mg. per 25 pounds of body weight. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, which is the protein “glue” that holds our cells together. It is vital to strong bone structure and to keep our ligaments and tendons functioning properly. Vitamin C also protects our nervous system from stress. Carnatine uses Vitamin C to break down fats and lipids. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant. It stimulates white blood cell production for fighting infections. Sugars depress the body’s ability to properly absorb Vitamin C.

Most importantly, Vitamin C is critical for heart health. Heart disease is the inflammation of coronary arteries. Collagen provides structure to the coronary arteries, ensuring maximum stability. Without it, the arteries may become weak, stiff and fragile, allowing the build-up of fats and ultimately leading to atherosclerosis. Most doctors will prescribe medications to treat symptoms of heart disease -which don’t do anything to prevent or reverse damage.

Dr. Hotze recommends reading “Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks, But People Do” by Matthias Rath. It explains why we should take 1,000mg of Vitamin C for every 25 pounds of body weight to maintain heart health. That’s 6,000mg for a person weighing 150 pounds. Adding Vitamin D3 and a good B Complex vitamin with Vitamin A also help to boost the immune system. You can contact the Hotze Health & Wellness Center for Dr. Hotze’s Immune Pak, which includes Vitamins A, B, C, D and Zinc. Dr. Hotze concludes with advice to get on a good eating, supplement and exercise program to stay healthy and have vitality for life!