Can We Actually Absorb Vitamin B12 Supplements? Dr Michael Greger

It’s critical to take vitamin B12 supplements on a plant based diet but can we really absorb vitamin B12 from supplements? Can we get enough B12 into our bloodstream through supplements? Are there people who may not be able to absorb enough vitamin B12 through supplements? Are there any alternative ways to take vitamin B12? Should we use B12 injections? How much vitamin B12 should we take? Can taking too much vitamin B12 be dangerous? Keep listening as Dr Michael Greger answers these questions……

This is for educational purposes only and no copyright infringement is intended.

Full Interview

Intranasal B12 absorption


1% B12 Absorption

Nasal B12 Absorption

Normalization of plasma vitamin B12 concentration by intranasal hydroxocobalamin in vitamin B12-deficient patients.

Dr Greger’s YouTube Channel

Dr Greger’s website


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I believe a low fat raw food vegan diet is optimal for humans however a low fat plant based diet is still a wonderful way to start improving your health, lose weight, cure diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, cancer, IBS &Crohns, migraines, etc!

Other authors I recommend are;
Dr Doug Graham
Dr Herbert Shelton
Dr T C Fry
Arnold Ehret
Loren Lockman
David Klein
Norman Walker
Don Bennett
Dr. Robert Morse
Jay Kordich
Max and Charlotte Gerson
Paul Bragg
Dr Michael Greger
Dr John McDougall
Dr T. Colin Campbell
Dr Neal Barnard
Dr Caldwell Esselstyn

People Who Have Inspired Me;
Dan McDonald Life Regenerator
Freelee the Banana Girl
Fullyraw Kristina
Lou Corona