What Do You Need to Do to Survive Coronavirus? | Ask Mr. Wonderful #22 Kevin O'Leary

This week on Ask Mr. Wonderful I’m joined by my friends Dr. Martin Solomon 18:18 Dr. Interviews — one of Boston’s most respected GPs, and Dr. David Kanawaty — respiratory expert and frontline hero during the 2003 SARS outbreak. They’re here to help me field the questions we’re all asking during this global pandemic, like “how do I know if I have coronavirus?,” “will the stock market ever recover?,” “how do I stay sane during quarantine?”

Regardless of individual circumstance, we all want to know the same thing: “what do we need to do to survive COVID-19, physically AND mentally?”

Edit: Since this video’s release, Miami has ordered all customers and workers to wear masks in stores and pharmacies.