Human Consciousness Changes Physical Reality & CoVid 19 Immunity w/ Max & Phil


Part 1 Scientists Max & Phil rejoin the program to discuss the very real global supply chain disruptions that will be effecting most businesses across the world. Certain companies and retailers are already experiencing lack of supplies and shipments, especially those implementing just in time inventory practices. See Part 1 here
Part 2 we are discussing positive solutions on how we can create a better world through human consciousness. We discuss studies conducted by Harvard and other researchers in this field. Links to articles and studies: Harvard Study Overview, Induced Savant Syndrome, DNA activation to raise vibration, Brain Damage Unlocks Genius Within
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MUSIC CREDITS: “Spine Chilling Cardiac Tension” by Biz Baz Studio for broad internet media use, including video and audio

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Phil Catalano Biography
Futurist and scientist, Phil Catalano, has 40+ years in advanced engineering and technology in Aerospace, Defense, Spacecraft & Satellites. His careers spans many endeavors including alternative energy projects, study of consciousness, mind-brain research, and space exploration. He is currently the assistant lab director for Live Longer Labs and has been the engineering manager for NASA/JPL in partnership with CalTech and NASA for 15 years. 
You can learn more about Phil Catalano’s work at
Max Champie Biography

Max is an artist, researcher and inventor with multiple patents in various fields of science. He has served on numerous corporate boards. He is and has been a member of multiple corporate and privately funded “Think Tanks”, where he has done research in Energy, Health & Wellness and Quantum Genetics.
Max spent years working for undisclosed private and government subcontractors in various cutting edge research field…