viral infection and immunity (coronavirus: COVID-19) – the promise of remote sampling | Neoteryx

On the 11th of March 2020, the W-H-O upgraded the COVID-19 epidemic as a pandemic and different countries have implemented different ways to tackle the spread of this disease.

In 2019, a paper was published in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, where the use of Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling was evaluated to successfully measure immunity to 33 stains of influenza virus.

The test employed, was a multidimensional multiplex immunoassay to measure IgG antibodies. 21 healthy volunteers were used to evaluate the feasibility of combining the benefits of at-home patient centric sampling, with the mPlex Flu assay.

In each case, Phlebotomists were used, to collect both venous blood, in the traditional way and capillary blood, using Mitra samples. The volunteers were then also asked to self-sample at home using Mitra VAMS samplers and post the samplers back to the lab.

The results were very impressive

Very good concordance was seen, when comparing the venous serum samples and extracts from the dried Mitra samples – collected by the phlebotomists

Equally, excellent concordance was observed, between Mitra samples, collected by the phlebotomists and samples taken from home.

The samples also looked very stable, What’s even more encouraging is that this study, was conducted in the New York area, during the heat of August. So, you can imagine that the dried Mitra samples, would have been exposed to high environmental temperatures.

Neoteryx, distributes home collection kits and samplers globally, and are currently used in world-wide multi-centre clinical trials. Our Blood Collection Kits have everything needed for almost anyone to collect samples anywhere, at any time – The kits include: safety lancets, collection devices, and detailed instructions. We also create customized Blood Collection Kits with corporate branding and specific instructions, depending on location and use

If you would like to know more about the study discussed in this video or how Neoteryx products can be employed in your projects please click on the links below.