EMERGENCY CORONAVIRUS EFT TAPPING – Boost Immunity, Reduce Fear & Worry Fast! Plus Group Meditation

Every study shows, the body doesn’t know the difference between a perceived threat, and an actual emergency. So we need to get your stress levels down fast.

High stress releases cortisols, increasing heart-rate, increases blood-pressure, constricts blood vessels, decreases digestion, reduces sleep, wreaks havoc on blood-sugar levels, creates an inflammatory response and suppresses your natural immune system in favor of a fight or flight response.

At the same time, our brain switches from frontal-lobe “executive function” activities such as learning, memory, problem-solving, and decision making, to fight-or-fight, reflexive reactions in favor of survival…

This cycle of poor-judgment then keeps us in a place of fear, spiraling us downwards, emotionally spiritually and physically, and can literally wipe out our immune-system response, before we’ve even gotten ill.

That’s why EFT Tapping is so critically important.

It’s been clinically shown to decrease stress and take you out of a sympathetic nervous system, fight-or-flight response.

On top of that, we are pack-animals, raised to be safe in the tribe. We literally produce happy-drugs like oxytocin (the love drug) when we’re around others or doing good for others. So the “shelter in place” order, further isolates us, decreases the immune system response, and cuts off the flow of “happy drugs” at the time we need them most…to boost our immune system to the max.

It’s why online communities and live events, and especially group meditations where we can feel a sense of connection and community are literally so incredibly important for our immune systems, and our survival.

Unless you’re the Buddha, it’s hard to stay calm and peaceful right now. There’s fear, worry, anxiety all around, and that’s if you’re not even watching the news. So tonight we’ll help you tap your way into a calmer, more relaxed place FAST. And we’ll do a group-meditation to plug you back in to the power of community. You’ll decrease stress levels, reduce cortisol, and for the first time in perhaps a week, be able to breathe a little bit easier.

❤️ Open Hearted Warrior Bootcamp Level 2 – Reserve Your Spot Now! ➡️
Rewire Your Mind for Positivity! Starts March 30th! [Only $7!]