Nutrition during Covi19

This is my interview done on the national news, Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation, concerning a healthy, balanced diet during COVID19. It’s in creole and below is the English translation:
1. Portion control works hand in hand with weight management especially when not exercising at home.
2. Vitamin A found in carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes; Vitamin C found in all citrus fruits; Vitamin E found in nuts.
3. Diabetic patients need to control their sugar intake along with their carbohydrates intake (rice, bread, pasta, any flour product)
4. Hypertensive patients need to control their salt intake and should try to avoid foods rich in salt e.g. highly processed foods like canned foods, sauces like tomato sauce, soy sauce.
5. Patients suffering from high cholesterol should control the amount of high fat foods e.g. deep fried and saturated fats.
6. Snacking in between meals are very bad as they’re high in calories.
7. A minimum of 2 litres of water per day excluding juices, tea, coffee.
8. Make do with whatever food you have at home. Find creative ways to add more nutrients e.g. Mung bean which is one of our staple foods can be made to germinate for 2/3 days increasing their vitamin B content.
9. Try to plant vegetables or fruits bought at the market e.g. potatoes, carrots, tomatoes can be easily planted either in the yard or in a pot.